It’s direct talks week! Let’s look at some of the latest developments.
• The best overview of what Prime Minister Netanyahu and President Abbas might be hoping to get out of the talks comes courtesy Jerusalem Post editor David Horovitz. If you read one article on the talks, read this one. [JPost]
• President Obama is yoking some of his prestige and credibility to the mother of all impossible conflicts. Why? [LAT]
• And how is he going to keep the American pro-Israel community onboard? [Politico]
• But he is getting praise for including Egypt and Jordan, whose heads of states will also be in Washington, D.C., this week. [Politico]
• Back to Israel, where the head of the main settlers’ organization vociferously opposes an extension of the settlement freeze, which is being requested of Netanyahu. The head of the main settlers’ organization’s previous job? Chief-of-staff to Netanyahu. [LAT]
• If you’re the Palestinian Authority, here is one way to keep Hamas from accusing you of selling out the cause by talking to the Israelis: Ban their clerics from preaching. No way that’ll backfire. [JPost]
• The European Union wants in on the talks. [AP/JPost]
• Egypt also wants the EU in on the talks. [Haaretz]
• The U.S. wants Syria to stay far, far away from the talks. [JPost]
• Last and least, a group of retired IDF generals enacted an amusing but probably altogether worthless negotiation simulation (say that ten times fast). [JPost]
Marc Tracy is a staff writer at The New Republic, and was previously a staff writer at Tablet. He tweets @marcatracy.