Not one, not two, three, not four, but five incumbent Jewish congressmen are facing uphill re-election battles due to redistricting after the latest census in 2010.
• There are two who have been lumped into one district: I refer to the Berman-Sherman Sherman (Oaks) Battle.
• Rep. Gary Ackerman, Democrat from New York, may find his Queens district eliminated and may have to run against Rep. Bob Turner, last seen winning Rep. Anthony Weiner’s former seat in a special election.
• Rep. Steve Rothman, Democrat from New Jersey, found his district eliminated and now faces a primary battle against another incumbent.
• The new district for Rep. Steve Cohen, Democrat from Tennessee, no longer includes his Memphis synagogue. He is, however, expected to win re-election.
Redistricting Ax Could Fall on Ackerman [Forward]
In N.J., Pro-Israel Stalwart Rothman Faces Primary Challenge [JTA]
Congressman Cut Off From Own Synagogue [Forward]
Earlier: Two Jews, One District
Marc Tracy is a staff writer at The New Republic, and was previously a staff writer at Tablet. He tweets @marcatracy.