Yes, But How Do You Feel About Egypt?
Where American Jews stand

The New York Times reported a few days ago that American Jewish communal leaders have felt torn watching the events in Cairo. On the one hand, Israel’s wellbeing is obviously on their minds; on the other hand, if any group can sympathize with the desire of a people to be freed of a Pharoah … .
But how do you feel about, um, everything? Consider this an open comments thread. And to make it interesting, the person with the best comment will get a free advanced reader’s copy of Sacred Trash, the Nextbook Press book about the Cairo Geniza forthcoming in April.
I think I’ve pretty much laid my cards on the table. What’s in your hand?
Jews in U.S. Are Wary In Happiness for Egypt [NYT]
Sacred Trash [Nextbook Press]
Earlier: The Brotherhood Goes Mainstream
Marc Tracy is a staff writer at The New Republic, and was previously a staff writer at Tablet. He tweets @marcatracy.