The mob assault on the Capitol is simply another entry in the catalog of American decline
The real divide isn’t between red states and blue states or cities and rural areas. It’s between mega-rich political donors and everyone else.
Americans want life to feel normal again. It’s been a while.
Early exit polls indicate that Democratic attitudes toward this summer’s civil unrest may have been costly
Angered by Cuomo and de Blasio, powerful Orthodox and Hasidic communities break ranks with the Democrats and challenge NYC’s political math
The experience of voting on Election Day felt like part of an ongoing national crackup that isn’t close to over
Lessons to be learned from the diverging political paths of Asian and Hispanic Americans
Does California still have space for dreamers and freaks?
The view from the vice presidential debate
Rather than engage in the pressing matters of everyday Americans, Tuesday’s spectacle was part of the toxic sludge of infotainment being fed to us through screens
The view from the debate
Biden must show he can stand up to the toxic wokeness that dominates elite institutions—including a significant segment of his own party—in order to unite the country
Rolling commentary on the Republican National Convention, as it happens
Tablet staff and contributors’ rolling commentary on the Democratic National Convention, as it happens
Why Joe Biden is the perfect candidate to withstand mad Trumpian conspiracies
The real candidate running under the ‘Joe Biden’ label is his former boss, which is why none of Biden’s public stands and votes matters
Was Bernie Sanders America’s Corbyn? How labor, socialism, and wokeness splintered into entirely different movements and exploded a traditional left coalition.
On the campaign trail in Michigan