Sam Harris reminds Andrew Sullivan to choose his words wisely on Gaza
A new genre of journalism brings up the good, the bad, and the ugly of liberal soul-searching
Obama asked AIPAC to support a strike. Now everyone’s blaming the Jews.
Should rabbis and other clerics engage in politics? Only, it seems, if they support liberal policies.
For those keeping score at home
Turning a controversy about Israel into a conspiracy about Jews
Plus the former Penn State President speak
The Christian right, radical Islamists, and secular leftists agree: this atheist is America’s most dangerous man
When Andrew Sullivan and Roger Cohen link the prime minister’s policies to Ze’ev Jabotinsky, they’re getting the early Zionist leader all wrong
Which might be more a case of ‘Zionist B.S.’
The ‘TNR’ editor heads for the Holy Land
The response to Lee Smith’s follow-up
Toward a definition of Jew-baiting, and more
When the comments on the blogs of Stephen Walt, Andrew Sullivan, Philip Weiss, and Glenn Greenwald turn ugly, who should be held accountable? Plus: A Jew-baiter’s lexicon.
Of course, some also see Jewish conspiracy most places
Smith’s column gets quite a response
The classical-music giant, and more
How media companies are using the Internet to make anti-Semitism respectable