The ‘Clubhouse Rabbi’ explains how he got booted off the pioneering, invitation-only Apple (and now Android) social app, whose veneer of exclusivity can’t hide a growing hate speech problem
Big corporations like Apple have long claimed to hire misfits and freethinkers. In today’s hyperpolitical workplaces, with their zeal for conformity, these promises have never been more destructively hollow.
The move comes on the heels of a $125 million class action lawsuit, filed back in December
The iconoclastic Yale computer scientist, writer, painter, and lover of Medieval art has strong ideas about how America should be
Barbra sets the record straight for Apple CEO Tim Cook about her to pronounce her name
According to a contract listed on a U.S. government website, mobile forensics company Cellebrite, which is based in Petah Tikva, will work with the FBI
Hey Siri, ‘Who was the Prime Minister of Britain in 1868?’
Hi-tech fix will alert users to prayer times and locate kosher food
The French-Israeli singer Yael Naïm—you know her work from that MacBook Air ad—brings an elusive, shifting identity to her mysterious but catchy songs of love and loss
A pretty funny one, too!
A graduation speech for the kindergarten set
For when you can’t recall the right brucha
Okay, so technically they called it something else