A new exhibit of works by the activist-artist Yael Bartana at the Philadelphia Museum of Art stars her video trilogy ‘And Europe Will Be Stunned.’ Was it a glimpse of a neo-Zionist utopian future, or a relic of a disappearing past?
As Iraqi Kurds put independence to a referendum on Monday, the Arab world works to quash the statehood aspirations of the Western-friendly nation
Why do so many Americans mistake what typically signals a failure of democracy for democracy itself?
Robert F. Worth’s ‘A Rage for Order’ brings the broad disappointments of the Arab Spring to the human level
The post-American Middle East being born in Syria is an irretrievably changed land of sectarianism and new foreign hegemony
President Barack Obama has done more to pivot the United States away from the hawkish foreign policy entrenched in Washington than even his supporters give him credit for
What was once the oppositional language of fringe parties in Europe has combined into a toxic new politics that is making its way to the center of Western democratic discourse. That should frighten us.
How the Vermont Senator stumbled on a wave of angry and aspirational young people and became the ideal political leader for the post-Occupy Wall Street generation
Why the Mediterranean refugee crisis could get that much worse, and soon
Post-Qaddafi Libya was supposed to be something other than the chaos it has become
In the wake of deadly attacks, why the one vaunted Arab Spring exception may not be an exception at all
The state of jihad and counter-jihad, in the middle of a long war
In 2011, Tel Aviv’s Daphni Leef helped ignite the J14 movement for social change. She looks back at what went wrong.
Ousted Egyptian president and his two sons sentenced to three years in prison
The new vogue for blaming the century-old Sykes-Picot Agreement for today’s woes ignores history, and reality
Abbas is facing an internal challenge to his leadership, and that—not Israeli housing plans—is why he’s bailing on Kerry
Three years after Mubarak’s fall, the country is toying with global irrelevance—except as a possible terror exporter
The better, more real, and more compelling of the two Israeli-Palestinian intelligence films opens this week in the U.S.