While their numbers remain small, a dam may have broken for others with similar feelings
The exploitation of the intellectual and political energies of Arab societies as ammunition in the ideological battles of the left has had disastrous effects on the region
My beloved Beitar Jerusalem has some racist fans. Instead of abandoning the team, we should take it back.
The U.S. refuses to arm rebel groups. Now, an al-Qaida affiliate has emerged as one of the strongest factions.
On the anniversary of Rabin’s murder, the left-wing leadership can’t organize a unified rally to commemorate it
Bucking convention in his village, Yousef Juhja sent three sons to the IDF—and one paid the ultimate price
For years, the Arabic press promoted the conspiracy that Jews fixed U.S. elections. That’s changing.
When Andrew Sullivan and Roger Cohen link the prime minister’s policies to Ze’ev Jabotinsky, they’re getting the early Zionist leader all wrong
In the wake of the Israeli Supreme Court’s decision that Migron, a settlement north of Jerusalem, must be demolished, residents ponder their next step
A new book explores the ‘petrodiplomatic complex’ and Saudi influence on U.S. foreign policy
Traveling the world as an unaccompanied but observant Muslim young woman
As Iran holds its ground and hope of peace talks recedes
One blogger theorizes yes
If they’re of Arab descent, ‘Forward’ says
Armchair orientalism on The Huffington Post
A new book examines the world of Israel’s ‘Arab Jews’
Can literature help bring peace to the Middle East?
Journalist Amy Dockser Marcus talks with Sara Ivry about the the rival interests that energized the city a century ago