In the final of four excerpts from Phyllis Chesler’s ‘A Politically Incorrect Feminist,’ destroying feminism’s own best minds
In the first of four excerpts from Phyllis Chesler’s ‘A Politically Incorrect Feminist,’ the unholy feminist civil wars
A wide lens and a diverse cast of activists, thinkers, and theologians combine to offer a fresh look at not only the movement’s past but also its present and future
A dialogue with Adam Kirsch, about her new collection ‘Free Women, Free Men’
A memoir of two currents of Modern Orthodox feminism in Blu Greenberg and Tamar Ross, with degrees of activism and tolerance at the heart of the difference
The actress has published a scathing letter in response to an unnamed producer who told her she’d ‘never work in this town again’ after she refused to pose semi-naked for a magazine
How do we teach kids that gender equality is fabulous?
Why my sisters can’t think straight about Israel
A new generation of women is being misled into assuming an ideological tension between feminism and Zionism