Comments made on his personal website have generated a harsh condemnation
A universe of blogs has sprung up where issues of Jewish law and rabbinic authority are discussed in unprecedented ways
Run by a Soviet Jewish legal scholar, the blog took on the ACA and is now hosted by the ‘Washington Post’
Exploring the Internet led me to knowledge, questions, and, ultimately, leaving the Hasidism I’d grown up with
For some ultra-Orthodox writers, the tension between obedience and skepticism in their community fuels a unique art
When the comments on the blogs of Stephen Walt, Andrew Sullivan, Philip Weiss, and Glenn Greenwald turn ugly, who should be held accountable? Plus: A Jew-baiter’s lexicon.
How media companies are using the Internet to make anti-Semitism respectable
On Tablet and elsewhere, readers respond to ‘Eight Days of Hanukkah’
Same name, different men—despite what the blogosphere is saying
Roseanne says Michael Jackson’s kids are Jewish
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