A careful rethinking of a challenging Jewish narrative, for Purim
Mordecai Manuel Noah sharpens the question raised by the biblical Mordechai: Can there be viable Jewish continuity in the diaspora?
Creating a new kind of Megillah—using the historic Birds’ Head Haggadah as inspiration
How the story of Purim is told in Christian scripture, and how Martin Luther became Esther’s enemy
Examining the ethics of the Purim story
What happens when the most authoritative guardians of the tradition are sometimes baffled by the tradition themselves?
Antic embellishments, like Esther being good in bed, help Talmudic rabbis to more fully explicate the text’s divine meaning
Talmudic rabbis, like us, can only study the course of history for the elusive signs of God’s intentions
The problem with leaving the Book of Esther’s namesake out of the revelry
Why the common comparison sells the Jewish holiday short
In recent novels, sermons, and Bible-study guides, evangelicals and mainline Protestants alike find inspiration in the biblical tale
Watch the trailer for a new film that turns the Purim story on its head
Dressing up is a crucial element of the Purim celebration—as well as a powerful piece of the Hunger Games trilogy of young-adult novels
The Book of Esther, which chronicles the story of Purim, has special resonance for Jewish communities thriving in Diaspora
Has Purim replaced Passover as the best holiday vehicle for expressing individual Jewish identity?
Sarah Palin as a 21st-century Esther