The important lessons we can learn from a minor figure in the Book of Ruth
There is a right time, and a wrong time, for naked legs
The Book of Ruth delivers an ancient prescription to a thoroughly modern condition
People say the darnedest things to us converts. Please stop.
Unfortunately, we’ve lost sight of how best to welcome newcomers to Judaism
The Book of Ruth, which we’ll be reading this weekend, teaches us an important lesson about not waiting for someone else to come and save us
Shavuot offers an important lesson for politics today
The Bible is full of deeply troubling sexual encounters. The book of Ruth is about their repudiation.
Poetry for Shavuot, when we read about Ruth, a Moabite woman considered to be the first convert to Judaism
A convert to Judaism reflects on the Jewish woman who embraced her, and honors her with a holiday recipe
For a convert to Judaism, the Days of Awe mark a renewed commitment—this year more than ever
G-dcast’s latest production features original music by Alicia Jo Rabins
Medical professionals could learn a lot from the biblical character, whose kindness initiated a chain of merciful acts
A well-thumbed book from my Lutheran childhood is now the ideal text for my Shavuot study and reflection
The Book of Esther, which chronicles the story of Purim, has special resonance for Jewish communities thriving in Diaspora
Everything you ever wanted to know about the Festival of Weeks