Jewish rituals around sex—ones I’d never thought about before—helped me feel comfortable in my own skin after my mastectomy
Facing treatment for breast cancer, I decided to cut my hair before chemo made it fall out. Drawing on Jewish tradition helped me turn a haircut into a ceremony imbued with meaning.
A surgery unexpectedly collides with unfathomable hate—and brings about a moment of clarity
Ultra-Orthodox communities in Israel battle breast cancer—without using those words
A look at some of Tablet’s coverage for Breast Cancer Awareness Month
‘Every day is a gift’
Facing serious illness, Alice Eve Cohen welcomes a ghost into her life in her new memoir, ‘The Year My Mother Came Back’
A moving tribute during Breast Cancer Awareness Month
All Ashkenazic women may carry genetic mutation linked to breast cancer
The Israeli entrepreneur’s prosthetic nipples allow women to regain confidence in their appearance and avoid additional surgery
Deborah Cohan organized a pre-surgery flash mob with her surgery team
I wanted to avoid putting my children through what I’d been through as my mother and grandmother struggled with the disease
Supreme Court decision will make BRCA mutation testing more accessible
Israeli and Palestinian breast-cancer survivors build camaraderie as we face a common enemy
Breastfeeding mothers have enough to think about without worrying that they’re not sufficiently sexy
Today on Tablet
The documentary Pink Ribbons, Inc. casts a skeptical look at all those pink-branded efforts to raise awareness
Group bows to immense pressure from erstwhile supporters