How G.K. Chesterton and Jacques Maritain led the Catholic Church to reject the myth of Jewish wandering and recognize the Jewish state
Christian communities must take heed
LGBTQ Catholics consider different ways to fit into the Church
The Ukrainian Catholic Church in America facilitates financial, material, and spiritual assistance to Ukraine through a network of churches and a university in Lviv
The Polish prelate who fundamentally improved the long bitter relations between Jews and the Catholic Church
What will the opening of sealed Vatican archives reveal about the fate of Jewish children hidden by Catholic communities during the war?
The zealots on 41st Street have no patience for competing points of view
Will inter-faith rapprochement continue? Or is a pushback on the horizon?
A century and a half later, the Edgardo Mortara case, soon to be a Steven Spielberg film, continues to challenge the faithful
Assessing the impact of ‘Nostra Aetate’ on Jewish-Christian relations
The pontiff makes his rounds, sometimes in a little black Fiat, causing gridlock and fervor
A bizarre case of mistaken celebrity identity
And the media should stop saying he did
And why it still matters
The former mayor, who had a deep relationship with Catholicism, will be memorialized in a Mass at St. Patrick’s
A farming town hid a Jewish-born teacher during the Holocaust. I went to dig up what it had buried.
A recent series of anti-Semitic attacks in Montreal hints at a new kind of internationally influenced hate crime in Quebec, a semi-autonomous province with a wave of Muslim immigrants
To Israel, mainly, but also to pretty much everything