A ‘wonderful’ new collection of Yehuda Amichai’s verse shows the poet’s profound resilience—and the weight of his ghosts
A lecture series in Jerusalem cooks up recipes based on the work of Meir Shalev, Chaim Nachman Bialik, and others
Children’s book illustrator Tom Seidmann-Freud—Sigmund Freud’s niece—led a short and tragic life, but her surreal, whimsical art endures
A new biography examines the conflicting passions that animated the life and work of Dybbuk playwright S. An-sky
A panoramic history of Russian and Polish Jewry focuses on the key period between 1881 and 1914
A former student remembers a seminar with Chaim Grade—and how it changed his life
Dahlia Ravikovitch and the poetry of the plainspoken
Examining Soviet Russia’s short-lived Jewish renaissance
If you’ve never understood Kabbalah, music might be the way in