The dramatic Christmas Eve, blockade-busting escapade that delivered game-changing French missile boats to Israel’s navy 50 years ago today
Simone de Beauvoir, commenting on the troubling case of executed French collaborationist Robert Brasillach, argued that the emotion has its civil and judicial uses. Now, 75 years after the liberation of Paris, is she right?
Bookworm: A new first translation of the French writer’s wartime epic
Three weeks before his death in 2016, Shimon Peres sat for what he intended to be a Rosh Hashanah-timed discussion about the state of the world. It was also his final one.
A new book shows how Austrian Chancellor Bruno Kreisky was the ancestor of the Jews who now serve in the hate-Israel movement
France’s far-right Front National party, under leader Marine Le Pen, is shedding its history of anti-Semitism and becoming popular with Jewish voters
French Jews, confronting anti-Semitism in the wake of the Dreyfus Affair, created the figure of the intellectual. And now, arguing about Israel and Islam, they’re killing it.
As the great French intellectual Simone Weil understood, modern life is all about work and war. Memorial Day and Labor Day, then, are perfect opportunities to take stock of our modern condition.