Skyrocketing foreign student enrollment at American universities is giving foreign governments power over what our universities teach while acculturating American students in third-world hatreds
To avoid losing to China or going down the Chinese path of state control, we need a national strategy for artificial intelligence. Here’s where it should start.
Far from being uncooperative, Saudi Arabia under MBS is playing precisely the regional role that Obama and Biden have long demanded—only more so
A China-brokered agreement with Iran shocked and dismayed Washington, whose mercurial policy gyrations are getting harder for the Saudis to understand
This Passover, we think of the Uyghurs, the Tibetans, and other captive peoples whose struggle for freedom and cultural survival parallels our own
The new Beijing-brokered deal between Saudi Arabia and Iran is a warning sign of things to come
20 years after the Goldman report, the BRICS are floundering
An exclusive report on how law enforcement agencies used FEMA funds to buy drones from a company tied to the Chinese government
Conversations with former DEA agents reveal how a nexus of Chinese producers and Mexican cartels brought the deadly drug into the U.S.
The world is infinitely broader and more interesting when it isn’t viewed through the lens of one’s identity
Iran’s increasingly sophisticated drone and missile strike packages are driving America’s beleaguered allies to seek protection in Beijing
Uyghur Muslims in America turn to activism—putting pressure on the NBA and its sponsors—to help their fellow Uyghurs in China
Will the demands of U.S. naval strategy and French pride be enough to keep Beijing at bay?
The former White House coronavirus coordinator’s monstrous autobiography explains how lockdowns happened
How the PRC’s lucrative transplant industry kills donors by removing their organs
The People’s Republic of China is guilty of large-scale, Nazi-like medical experimentation on political prisoners
Ukraine shows that the ‘return of great power rivalry’ isn’t happening under the Biden administration
We are living in a material world, after all