How American students are radicalized against the West
A letter from 500 Jews at Columbia University may be a landmark in the struggle to escape a stifling regime of doublethink and ensure the American Jewish future through proud and open dissent
A professor and his wife saw their lives upended by their decision to denounce terrorism in Israel and antisemitism in America
Accommodating overseas elites by tolerating antisemitism on U.S. campuses is part of a scheme to turn loss-leader DEI categories into profit centers
The U.S. tax code and federal contracts swell the coffers of wealthy Ivy League universities that teach hatred is OK. Taxpayers should cut them off.
After his retirement from Columbia, Phillip Lopate prepares for more books—and possibly more teaching
The man who presided over the growth, enrichment, and intellectual and moral decline of New York’s greatest university embodied the workings of 21st-century power through a masterful two-decade-long disappearing act
Gatecrashers Ep. 1: What was Seth Low Junior College, and why did the brilliant Jewish writer Isaac Asimov get sent there?
The things that happen when you stare at the sea
In a just-released novel, a boy leaves his bohemian mother to move in with his professor father, hoping he’ll finally get a proper education
Seventeen years after his death, can the anthropologist, ethnomusicologist, and folklorist who changed what America listened to overcome his original sin?
What does the Weather Underground’s 45-year-old manifesto have to tell us today?
Too Israeli for the left and not Zionist enough for the right, this human-rights lawyer could be one of Israel’s most effective ambassadors if his critics weren’t so afraid of what he has to say
$70k is a lot of money
The late 1960s and all their Jewish rebelliousness, in an ‘energetic’ fiction full of alternate realities
Brutalities cry for attention. Attention to the appalling causes disturbance. Deal with it. You’re at school to be disturbed.
A new biography of Jacob Neusner examines his ‘complicated, colorful, and unappreciated intellectual life’
How the Columbia/Barnard Hillel brought me comfort and helped me take control of my Jewish path