The strong-willed scholar of Jewish life and history died 29 years ago today
Jewish summer camps offer kids a unique linguistic landscape
How the ‘Commentary’ magazine editor came to write his influential memoir, now being reissued for its 50th anniversary
The Jewish conservatives and ‘nation builders’ who led us into Iraq and Afghanistan bet the farm against Donald Trump, and lost. What now?
Former ‘Commentary’ editor Norman Podhoretz recently said he would ‘not bet [his] life on anything about Trump,’ but has even less regard for Clinton. His son, John, wants to convince him otherwise.
A new biography of Jacob Neusner examines his ‘complicated, colorful, and unappreciated intellectual life’
An excerpt from the new ‘Exit Right’ describes a tumultuous evening when the beatnik confronted the neocon
The editors of a new book about the conflict respond to a Commentary review
What Adam Bellow and other conservatives get wrong about the political leanings of creators of imaginative fiction
Here’s what you should read
If Jews are trading theology for community, it’s time for Orthodoxy to evolve
A series airing during Ramadan traffics in anti-Semitic themes but may show an evolving attitude toward Israel
Even more about the Jews
Commenting on ‘Commentary’
Anti-Semites are a tiny fringe at the Occupy Wall Street protests. But an inability to quiet them shows the limitations of a leaderless movement.
Ransom Center in Austin is a hotbed of Jewish literary papers
Proudly unorthodox, org. kept young Jews interested
The law of unintended consequences