‘Israel is a country and a nation that doesn’t hate its own fucking people’
American conservatives should be aghast at Netanyahu’s judicial reforms
What the rumors about a conservative star reveal about the new media empires of the online right
The final collapse of liberalism will be coterminous with the collapse of American empire—a difficult outcome for tenured American conservatives to root on
In the conflicting views of two right-wing writers, competing visions for the future
As Norman Podhoretz turns 89 today, he looks back on the long journey from Brooklyn to Manhattan
In Max Boot’s new memoir, the writer, once a figurehead of conservative politics, explains why he left the right over Trump
How Paul Gottfried—willing or reluctant—became the mentor of Richard Spencer and a philosophical lodestone for white nationalists
The new anti-government handbook ‘The Fractured Republic’ confuses a fantasized past for a utopian future
Political theorist Michael Walzer and others argue about the death of the century-long Jewish-Leftist alliance
In Notes on a Century, the historian is still optimistic about a ‘great civilization’ in the Muslim world
Friends and Politics, Part 1: Saul Bellow. The Nobel Prize-winner and I shared a love of literature and of Yiddish, but our friendship was tested by decades-long disagreements over politics.
Jewish liberalism, spiritual boredom, and crock-pot miracles
Understanding Robert Novak’s controversial relationship with Israel and Judaism
The founder of modern conservatism is needed now more than ever