What becomes of women who won’t be defined as victims?
From crime to climate change, the hostility of ‘movements’ to data is making it impossible to address real-world problems
Anti-Asian violence in California is nothing new—just ask Mark Twain. But the current wave of beatings and killing is also a harbinger of something larger.
A real-life guide to the criminally perplexed
Ohio teenager shoots off father’s fingers in fight allegedly over hummus. He’s in big trouble.
Montana, Neighbors, Beer, Shellfish, and a pit bull with a missing toe
The long echo of a massacre on the Argentine pampas, and the multi-generational chronicle of Jewish life in its wake
Samuel Sheinbein obtained a gun he turned on his guards—raising questions about prison security
Even in the Jewish state, ultra-Orthodox Jews look first to their own, and not to secular authorities, for security
Innocent people shouldn’t fear walking down the street, whatever their faith—and everyone must push back against the madness
Joe Hynes faces an unprecedented electoral defeat after longtime Jewish supporters leave his side
Soviet Jews survived by gaming the system, so it’s no surprise some felt entitled to fraudulently claim reparations from Germany
For slightly oversweetened morality play
The story of a yeshiva boy who turned to the gang life and lived to write about it
An unpretty portrait of kosher meat-processor owner
Back then he was targeting Palestinians
One on trial, two others start jail terms
The indictment against Ehud Olmert alleges a byzantine system of fraud