In the first installment of a two-part column, our ‘History Detective’ columnist begins tracing the story of Abraham Firkovich, the most prolific Jewish forger of all time
Victor Pinchuk was awarded the Sheptytsky Medal at the Kiev Hilton, uniting Bernard-Henri Lévy, rabbis, presidents, glitterati
The post-Soviet, postmodern illiberal kleptocracy as a harbinger and warning bell for—the West?
When people ask questions about my Soviet past, the answers aren’t easy. I’d rather be defined by my future.
Compares Russian leader’s annexation of Crimea to Nazi invasion of Poland
Vice reporter Simon Ostrovsky has dual American and Israeli citizenship
The backlash against a finance minister’s recent remarks exposes a weakness in Germany’s embrace of their unique legacy
Leaflets telling Jews to register with authorities not actually from ‘authorities’
The return of Rabinovich is the revival of a Soviet mentality in Putin’s Russia
Attacks Jewish leadership for condemning Putin’s actions in Crimea
Three historians argue that the threat of far-right extremists is no less urgent than the military danger from Moscow
Berel Lazar, who has close ties with Putin, seen in audience at Kremlin event
Century-old Soviet method of legitimizing national self-determination lives on
The Kremlin’s interests in the region are deep—and it may see an opportunity to gain leverage in the current crisis
Jewish residents think about fleeing—if they have anywhere to go
Chabad emissary forced to leave her community amidst Russian occupation
But now the country’s Jewish community is divided between those lining up with Moscow and those joining the revolution in Kiev
How Abby Martin’s on-air jab at Russian intervention in Crimea helps Putin