Bringing a hidden piece of Spain’s Jewish history back into the light
According to legend, the pork-free ‘alheira’ chorizo was created as a way for Jews to hide their identity. Whether or not that history has been exaggerated, it’s an important part of how Portugal is now wrestling with its Jewish past.
Hispanic crypto-Jews use social media and DNA testing to reconnect with their heritage
Barbara Aiello has uncovered many Italians’ secret histories. But her methods and theories have won her many detractors.
Happy Hanukkah from Palermo, Sicily
Does a rock in New Mexico show the Ten Commandments in ancient Hebrew? Harvard professor says yes.
As New Mexico marks 100 years of statehood, one woman looks back on her great-aunt and -uncle, who helped spur a century of Jewish life there
Report on Hispanic crypto-Jews has inexplicable weirdness
My mother pretended we weren’t Jewish when we moved to the South—but couldn’t resist kvelling over my book about it
In Medellín, Jewish converts try to leave the Inquisition, and Colombia’s civil war, behind
Finds descendents of Inquistion-era forced converts in New Mexico
UPDATED: London ‘Telegraph’ says Iran’s president is Jewish; ‘Guardian’ disagrees
Claims eccentric Israeli entrepreneur
Seven South Americans uncover their converso roots