If you’ve paid attention at Sunday school, Darren Aronofsky’s ‘mother!’ will feel mightily familiar, but still completely crazy
A rabbi’s take on Ridley Scott’s new blockbuster, Exodus: Gods and Kings
Bahrain, Qatar, Indonesia, and the United Arab Emirates won’t show the film
Darren Aronofsky didn’t make his protagonist a vegetarian—the Bible did
It rains and rains in the most eccentric Old Testament adaptation, and most Jewish biblical blockbuster, ever made
Darren Aronofsky credits Mrs. Fried with the idea for the film, cast her in it
Who built the ark? Russell Crowe.
Rachel Weisz’s happy life with Daniel Craig makes Jewish men wonder if they can ever be good enough
In Leeches, a novel by the Serbian Jewish writer David Albahari, Belgrade plays home to nationalists, anti-Semites, and kabbalistic puzzles
Site of famous coaster up for sale
Whom to root for Sunday night
Black Swan and Barney’s Version can both be seen as grappling with how to portray Jewishness onscreen. One succeeds; the other fails.
In other news, there is no Santa Claus
Jewish actress wins new poll