Jewish New Yorkers have an obligation to stand up against a corrupt Democratic Party lawfare campaign that is targeting the mayor who stood up for us
How Barack Obama ended normalcy in American politics
It wasn’t Donald Trump, or Joe Biden
It needs better friends
There’s a new strategy in town: If American voters don’t like what you are offering, import better voters.
The great American tradition of spontaneous local protest is funded and staffed to a large degree by a ‘dark money’ network controlled by Arabella Advisors
The Democratic activist troika fighting his Twitter acquisition has identified a new front in the battle to turn American life into a perpetual partisan apocalypse
Woke professionals acting as the indentured servants of a fearful oligarchy have become everything we were told to fear from Trumpism
The welding of media, government bureaucracy, big corporations, and banking together into a partisan weapon to punish dissenters points the way toward an ugly future
Nonstop dramatics about the GOP threat to democracy is part of an attempt to cement Democratic Party hegemony, not ensure election integrity
When I saw the left give up everything I believe in, I changed politically. You can, too.
Stuart Appelbaum makes no apologies for leading his union to defeat at an Amazon facility in Alabama
The Democratic Majority for Israel has nothing to show for its $2 million investment but a fresh narrative of defeat and party disunity
Why Joe Biden is the perfect candidate to withstand mad Trumpian conspiracies
Was Bernie Sanders America’s Corbyn? How labor, socialism, and wokeness splintered into entirely different movements and exploded a traditional left coalition.
She captained ships in the Navy, made a fortune on mermaids, and was elected to Congress. Then she met Ilhan Omar.
Why have attitudes on immigration gotten so much more radical in recent years? Hint: It’s not just Trump.
White liberals are leading a ‘woke’ revolution that is transforming American politics and making Democrats increasingly uneasy with Jewish political power