Evidence is that regime is shaky, arguably making attack less advisable
Advocacy of diplomacy signals U.S. willingness to use war
Today on Tablet
Diplomat Dennis Ross and Times columnist Tom Friedman give an annual Yom Kippur seminar at Kol Shalom in Rockville, Md., a synagogue they helped start
Top aide holds conference call with Jewish papers
Grinning through each reversal, the ever-bumbling, deeply unpopular Ehud Barak maneuvers to remain a political force in Israel and its leading voice to the West
Who told honcho Malcolm Hoenlein to go to Syria?
Long live the peace talks?
Malcolm Hoenlein has served as the unofficial king of the Jews for the past three decades, but a combination of forces threatens his rule
And struggles to find co-signers
Why do Arab governments—and the U.S.—insist the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is at the heart of all the Mideast’s problems?
The Israeli-Palestinian peace process has always been divisive; now it’s being used as a wedge
Israeli ambassador is the commencement speaker
Elliott Abrams, who oversaw the Middle East for George Bush, says the recent Israel crisis reflects how the Obama team is doing business with the rest of the world
One short drive, Waxman’s new book, and forbidden Tuscan love
Crusaders, myths, thrillers, and more