Disney Plus’s new flagship show raises questions about its mysterious hero
A Christmas tale, starring Will Eisner
All the news that’s fit to skim
Coco offers a grown-up depiction of mourning
Isn’t it time for some Jewish girls to take their place in the wide world of cartoon princesses?
Disney’s newest animated film ‘Moana’ is the latest in a long and recent line of non-Caucasian, lead female characters. So why not a Jewish one?
Devotees of Star Wars and the Bible have something in common: they have expanded the universes of each text through sheer creativity, even taking ownership of them along the way
J.J. Abrams’s reboot features an X-wing resistance starfighter named Ello Atsy. A new trailer for the most Jewish Star Wars to-date premieres Monday night.
Disney’s Tomorrowland is a more liberal version of Ayn Rand’s toxic classic, Atlas Shrugged
How Maimonides explains the Hello Kitty controversy
Disney fires famous fowl’s Arabic voice-over artist for extreme statements
Male reviewers who’ve been lukewarm about the Golden Globe-winning children’s movie have failed to understand its true spirit
Laments that record execs are too old and Jewish to know good club music
The new Disney Oz flick stars Jewish actors. Somewhere, over the rainbow, that will no longer matter.
Michael Chabon may finally score a hit as a screenwriter for Disney’s new sci-fi flick John Carter. But will success in Hollywood ruin his fiction?
Phineas and Ferb, a smart and fantastically frenetic Disney animated show, features two kids who are curious, inventive, polite, community-minded—everything Jewish parents want their kids to be
Today on Tablet
No, really, and in a Jerry Bruckheimer movie