The campaign against New York’s exam for specialized schools punishes the children of working-class immigrants in the name of racial equity
Judith Shklar’s minority liberalism offers both an escape hatch from the Hobbesian tyranny of democratic majorities and a pathway to becoming the freest and most authentic versions of ourselves
Ethnic studies consultants ride a wave of profits across America’s schools and corporate workplaces
Progressive ideas about diversity have taken over the corporate world but they offer a skin-deep version obsessed only with color and conformity
An adorably illustrated new children’s book means well but fumbles the details
Located along vibrant Nostrand Avenue, the ‘Brooklyn: Juxtaposition’ exhibition asks visitors to ‘opt in’
Thoughts on the importance of the updated list of ‘Welcoming & Diverse Synagogues’ curated by Shirley Gindler-Price, the former president of the Jewish Multiracial Network
Reflections on establishing a collective voice to represent Judaism’s diversity
There’s a movement to make children’s books more embracing of underrepresented groups. Where should Jews fit in?