How Teddy Roosevelt can help save us from our Marie Antoinette problem
The 100-year reign of impeccably credentialed but utterly mediocre meme processors is coming to an end
Our antinomian elite’s war against tradition has become a war against the working class
Tech’s leadership is splitting into two elites—and the battle between them will shape America’s future
In America today, we have informal labor cartels for the college-educated elite, while private sector unions for the working class are all but annihilated
How partisan warfare over mandates became a central feature of the pandemic
Certified expert Tom Nichols has a ‘moral scolding’ for the plebes
A Tablet Roundtable about American elites with Angelo Codevilla, Todd Gitlin, Michael Lind, Ilana Redstone, and Wesley Yang
What a newly rediscovered thinker got right and wrong
The push to decouple skepticism from science turns schoolchildren into victims
A celebrity ad campaign featuring J.Lo and Lady Gaga promoting ‘wellness’ buildings has a backstory that winds through Wall Street, the Clinton Foundation, and China
How telling the right stories about overcoming oppression in the right way became a requirement for entering the elite credentialing system
Chocolate Week begins in Israel, spotlighting dozens of artisan chocolatiers that have sprung up in the past few years