Hal Lindsey’s ‘The Late Great Planet Earth’ at 50
For 16 years, my college classroom put ‘love thy neighbor’ to the test in ways that resonated across religions
I played for the evangelical Christians in Jerusalem, but the angels sang for me
Republican partisanship is becoming expected of the Orthodox—the way it’s expected of evangelical Christians
Why the left is repeating Christianity’s most dangerous historical mistakes, and why it’s very, very bad for the Jews
How Jewish obsolescence as described by the early Christian church echoes in contemporary anti-Zionism
The Torah-observant gentiles of the Hebrew Roots movement get circumcised, lay tefillin, and grow peyos
Supporting Israel requires American evangelical Christians to square their theological beliefs with the modern Jewish state. Can they?
Observing biblical injunctions regarding the Israelites, a new evangelical group throws a festival in the world’s second Jewish capital
Republicans are once again arguing that American Jews will abandon the Democratic Party. But it won’t happen, because Jews recoil from the GOP’s overt Christianity, even when it comes with staunch pro-Israel views.
Filipino migrant workers feel a strong religious connection to Israel, where thousands of them work, as the birthplace of Jesus. But a recent wave of deportations is threatening that bond.
Joe Straus, the Republican speaker of the Texas House of Representatives, has been targeted by the Tea Party. The anti-Semitic attacks against him suggest not all politics is local.
Glenn Beck’s favorite ‘historian’ enlists the Founding Fathers in a battle against diversity
Evangelical Christians have emerged as Israel’s staunchest allies—even as some American Jews are made uneasy by the show of support
Malcolm Gladwell, panelists discuss their former faiths
What’s behind evangelical support for Israel?
A documentary dares to examine fundamentalist Christians in a nuanced light