The site seems to be intentionally trafficking in disinformation related to Jews, Israel, and Zionism
Thirteen ways of looking at disinformation
A helpful guide to America’s new ministry of truth
Who are you going to believe, the Democratic Party’s new official-unofficial, public-private monopoly tech platform censorship brigade, or your misinformed, disinformed eyes?
Using accusations of ‘disinformation’ to suppress scientific criticism, steer media coverage, and silence political opponents is not part of the operating system of a free society
Tablet celebrates the great Viennese satirist’s 145th birthday this weekend
Almost two decades after the global news media fell for a hoax, a key investigator revisits the scene of a journalistic crime
Who is the anonymous online poster claiming to be a high-level administration official? And can he or she bring us some much-needed truth in an era of fake news?
An anatomy of incompetence and malice
The New York Times dismisses news of Palestinian payments to terrorists as a ‘far-right conspiracy’
Yiddish Newspapers of the 1920s and 1930s would have had a field day with our current political reality.
For his poignant and intrepid rebuke of the American media’s obsession with a false narrative
Why Mark Zuckerberg is America’s Public Enemy No. 1
Why the left is also responsible for the proliferation of inaccurate information—and why the big beneficiary is Donald Trump
The liberal lion steps down as host of The Daily Show after 16 years