A Tablet exclusive report
The Jewish model of embedded community offers something unique to an America that badly needs it
My son had the courage of his convictions about Israel at school. We both paid a price.
Why can’t Jews get along with each other?
From loss to joy to annoyance, wrestling with the places we come from
My grandfather was never able to say kaddish at his father’s grave. Decades later, I’m grateful to be able to fulfill his wish.
After my family’s raucous Passover meal, we’d escape to the Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus at Madison Square Garden
How my mother uses costumes at the Passover Seder to keep our family whole
Revisit her heartbreaking New York Times essay, ‘You May Want to Marry My Husband’
My grandfather was the dentist of some of New York’s best chess players, including Samuel Reshevsky, Al Horowitz, and Edward Lasker. And he wasn’t so bad at the game himself.
When both a father and his offspring are leaders, what’s the most ideal dynamic between them?
Though the faces at Seders may change, family traditions—hopefully—remain with us forever
I now question everything because my Deda—my hero who escaped the Soviet Union and would never believe that a man in power could keep his children safer than he could—has made an unfathomable choice
‘However wonderful, miraculous, glorious and cute Sammy may be, becoming a grandfather is not something, on some egotistical level, I’m entirely comfortable with’
‘Boy, I’m your grandmother! If I say you can eat it, you can eat it!’
An open letter to writer Elizabeth Weil, who’s unsure how to help her 12-year-old become a bat mitzvah
‘Recipes for food she had, but not so much recipes for life. But her cooking. Her cooking was the flawless creation that she wasn’t’
Shul on Rosh Hashanah? No, thank you. Honey and chocolate desserts in the mail? Yes, please.