Two years after a vicious attack, a new campaign begins
Plus Gabrielle Giffords visits Newtown
Plus, will the Camp David Accords be altered?
Jews in the House are leaving in droves
Daily Beast’s list’s Jewish women on being Jewish women
But U.S. options against nuclear program are limited
That was the half-year that was, on The Scroll
Plus, Bieber week, and more
Kyl’s retirement would have meant an opening for Giffords
The Zeitgeist movement is the first Internet-based apocalyptic cult, centered around a doomsday-proclaiming film and an ideology filled with classic anti-Semitic tropes
The tragic Gabrielle Giffords shooting only underscores the need for Jewish public officials to confront anti-Semitism, argues a former White House official
Why she meant it, and why it’s the ADL’s turn to talk
And more on the story
Today on Tablet
Zimmerman, 30, was Giffords’ community outreach director
From University Medical Center, where Rep. Gabrielle Giffords is being treated, to her synagogue, where the rabbi led an emotional service, Tucson residents gathered to pray for the victims of Saturday’s shooting attack
Alleged shooter may have been driven in part by anti-Semitism