Ground Zero used to be an abstraction, until I pulled out my iPhone and created my own memory
Future plans for the controversial Lower Manhattan site not yet known
Most of the time, Larry Bazer runs a shul in Massachusetts. But for the past six months, he served in the military as the only rabbi in Afghanistan.
Rescue Me, ending a seven-year run on FX, was the best artistic engagement with Sept. 11, and with the wounds New York sustained that day
Ten years after Sept. 11, in a Lower Manhattan neighborhood that hasn’t had a dedicated Jewish sanctuary since before the Civil War, a new synagogue opens
My father died on Sept. 9, 2001. The terrorist attacks two days later delayed his burial, a violation of Jewish law, but ultimately at least made me feel less alone in my grief.
‘Sharia’ is a much more abstract concept than ideologues—whether Mideast Islamists or Newt Gingrich—suggest
Legal hurdles cleared; but where’s the money coming from?
Anti-bigotry group sides with people it calls bigots
Defeat for opponents
Colorfully opposes Ground Zero Islamic center
13-story plan supported by ‘Jewish Uncle Tom’ Stringer