One grandfather gave lavish Hanukkah gifts, the other single dollar bills. The reasons stretch back to the Old Country.
Great Hanukkah gifts about subjects ranging from civil rights to jazz, Torah to immigration, goofy frogs to spooky goblins
I didn’t know about the holidays until my son came home from preschool wearing a cardboard Hanukkah candle on his head
From Jews in space to Bigfoot on the loose, this year’s selections take kids of all ages into new territory
From pirates to dinosaurs, superheroes to baseball, the best of the year’s Jewish-themed children’s books
My son’s pyromaniacal tendencies, Bibi, and bedtime stories that go awry
A feverish love of collecting masked a family’s shameful truth: There was no money.
From the archives: An unexpected profusion of gifts for six Brooklyn siblings
From the archives: One young family attempts to navigate the treacherous waters of Greedikah
Celebrating Hanukkah—and my grandfather’s birthday—whether behind drawn curtains in Latvia or openly in Canada