Why weren’t Haredi Jews troubled by Trump’s conspiracy-mongering?
New York’s scapegoated Haredi communities appear to be the last Americans capable of maintaining a sane balance between science and faith
A great Torah teacher died in May. I promise you have not heard of her.
Hasidic rapper Nissim Black had been living in Israel for six years when he says his children were rejected from schools because of their skin color
Does opposing the Jewish burqa—the ‘frumqa’—make one a bigot or a Judeophobe?
How to avoid using power that comes from stations that work on Shabbat? Invent a new kind of strictly kosher grid, some haredi lawmakers say.
Smurfette has been removed from Smurfs: The Lost Village movie posters in Israel’s Bnei Brak neighborhood
In Israel, ultra-Orthodox artists start to make their mark
A new law passed Tuesday exempts some Haredi elementary schools from teaching math, science, and English while remaining eligible for government funding
An elderly woman asked to move to accommodate a Haredi seat-mate says such requests are offensive, sexist, and must stop
But Haredi rabbis and male doctors welcomed at Jerusalem event
Proximity to women still a problem
As Israel’s first female Haredi dean, mathematician Malka Schaps is helping other religious women follow in her footsteps
Even in the Jewish state, ultra-Orthodox Jews look first to their own, and not to secular authorities, for security
A father reflects on his own efforts to stay close to his children after deciding to live a secular life
Police arrest 14 ultra-Orthodox protestors who claim the area is a burial site
In Israel, ultra-Orthodox contestants compete to become ‘The Spokesman’
Israeli society debates the value of Haredi jobs, but Patrick Leigh Fermor saw the ultra-Orthodox hard at work