Beneath the family drama and absurdist comedy, ‘The Righteous Gemstones’ brings a megachurch to prime time—with a measure of respect for its faith
In ‘Wizard of Lies,’ Robert De Niro plays the Ponzi schemer who bilked many people and institutions out of millions, including Yeshiva University
We’ll find in out HBO’s upcoming documentary, ‘If You’re Not in the Obit, Eat Breakfast’
After six seasons, the HBO series ends on an unexpectedly quiet, peaceful note
On ‘Girls,’ Hannah prepares to leave behind her life in New York City
On Girls, Ray and Shoshanna are back, and Adam has a surprising proposal for Hannah
On ‘Girls,’ Elijah gets an unexpected visitor and Hannah confronts Paul-Louis
The show’s groundbreaking portrayal of abuse among the upscale punctures a damaging myth
On Girls, Hannah shares her big news with her friends—and finds that everyone has an opinion
On ‘Girls,’ Hannah gets a taste of motherhood in an unexpected place
Hannah gets some unexpected news, Woody Allen and Saul Bellow get name dropped, and Ray confronts his own mortality
Clutching a Philip Roth novel, Hannah finds herself in a precarious situation with a disreputable author she admires
On the season premiere of ‘Girls,’ Hannah goes to the Hamptons to research a surfing retreat
As a Jewish feminist, I recognize just how much I relate to—and appreciate—Lena Dunham’s ‘Girls,’ which enters its final season Sunday
HBO’s upcoming film about the Ponzi schemer also features Hank Azaria and Bette Midler’s daughter, Sophie von Haselberg
From murdering swans to wearing panties, LD gets the job done
The bearded comedian is rubbing pig bellies and ribbing Trump, that’s what