Heinrich Himmler oversaw breeding centers for Angora rabbits in dozens of concentration camps. While people were imprisoned, tortured, and murdered nearby, the prized animals were kept in luxury.
A thorough new history of the Nazi concentration camps challenges us to face again our fears and weakness
Two new important histories look at Hitler’s fascination with Islam and Atatürk, the founder of modern Turkey
A new documentary and a new book look at Himmler and Eichmann through newly discovered letters
German ecologist uncovers Nazi plot to spread malaria in enemy-territory
The French quasi-novel HHhH, by Laurent Binet, tells the tale of assassinated Nazi leader Reinhard Heydrich while wondering whether it need be retold
Dutch Jew David Koker’s extraordinary diary, a clear-eyed and sensitive account of life inside a concentration camp, is finally available in English
Lawsuit could establish new class of plaintiffs