The medical fear and moral judgment that once surrounded HIV have reemerged in the contemptuous debate over how to manage COVID
A former gunrunner for the Irgun, Mathilde Krim spent her life fighting to save lives
Congregation Beit Simchat Torah’s new initiative hopes to fight stigma and help rabbis talk to their communities about safe sex
A Tablet reading and listening list for World AIDS Day
After losing many friends in the early years of the AIDS epidemic, I thought the deaths were over. Then this year I lost Kolya, an activist who’d become the face of HIV in Russia.
Teenagers need to learn about more than anatomy, as some Jewish educators already know
Resources and reading for the annual day of commemoration and education
For World AIDS Day, a doctor, her daughters, their late dad, and his work in Africa
I’d left Orthodoxy. But as I waited for HIV test results, I looked to God and the Talmud for comfort.
The activist called Faygele ben Miriam started Washington state’s battle over marriage more than 40 years ago
For a new Torah cycle, stories inspired by the weekly parasha. This week: a Nairobi slum, and the power of making the world known.
Trying to recall the exact moment my father told me he was dying
As the CDC considers recommending circumcision, a look at the history and purpose of the procedure