A tragic political misjudgment about Hamas’ intentions
The CIA’s case for Palestinian statehood was based on analysis. Then the analysts turned out to be wrong.
Refusing to modify preconceived ideas in the face of hard evidence is a dangerous habit, for Israelis and also for Americans
Israel’s elite intelligence force now accepts virtual applications
A Unit 8200 networking event in Tel Aviv shows why Israel has won and the Arabs have lost
The better, more real, and more compelling of the two Israeli-Palestinian intelligence films opens this week in the U.S.
Jordan’s late King Hussein and his unsuccessful efforts to make peace get a courtier’s treatment in the new memoir from Jack O’Connell, a former CIA station chief in Amman
Spy vs. spy intrigue between the CIA and Israel, centered around the U.S. Embassy in Tel Aviv
George Friedman built a private, subscription-based CIA. But is his intel any good?
From the archives: The neverending fetishistic fascination with Jews and intelligence
Facebook page reveals British spymaster’s Holocaust-denier tie
Pseudo-science helps a family straddle the Sephardi-Ashkenazi divide