Gym selfies and posting ‘gainz’ on social media are symptoms of a world that is making men obsolete
Humanity’s third major technological revolution is leading us into a future more promising and also more dangerous than any since the dawn of history. It’s coming faster than you think.
Two new books answer no
How the government and its media allies overhyped a threat they helped create
Iran’s government effectively shut down the country’s internet to repress a popular protest movement. But how long can that last?
Why any worthwhile Jewish experience will always be analog, not digital
Who is the anonymous online poster claiming to be a high-level administration official? And can he or she bring us some much-needed truth in an era of fake news?
On the 40th anniversary of the first computer bulletin board system, it’s amazing how little has changed about the web’s tech bro culture
The YouTube star’s latest controversy is a warning against technology-addled solipsism
How internet-fueled smear campaigns undermine Jewish institutions—and our idea of community
Drive around a lot but consider iPhones unholy? There’s an app for that, and it comes in a beautiful wooden box.
And what to do about it
The ‘Propaganda Leader’ to his minions: Xenophobia’s out, chickpeas are in
With Sarahah, young adults can trade secrets anonymously. Can peace be far behind?
The iconoclastic Yale computer scientist, writer, painter, and lover of Medieval art has strong ideas about how America should be
And that’s probably because it reads The New York Times and the Guardian
The language of the Bible just got stupider, courtesy of Facebook commenters (and the Academy of the Hebrew Language)
The Google-run video giant is losing advertisers due to its inability to police its own content. Here’s how it can turn things around.