The Jewish conservatives and ‘nation builders’ who led us into Iraq and Afghanistan bet the farm against Donald Trump, and lost. What now?
Today on Tablet
Irving Kristol positioned himself as a hard-headed realist willing to buck liberal pieties, but do his unsentimental pronouncements, collected in a new volume, stand the test of time?
Jews have always had a special connection to magazines, and it’s Jews—like Sidney Harman, new owner of Newsweek—who will reinvent them
In a new history of neconservatism, Senator Henry ‘Scoop’ Jackson emerges as a pivotal figure
How the neoconservative columnist’s x-ray vision will be missed
‘Journal,’ ‘TNR,’ Podhoretz, others eulogize
BREAKING: Godfather of neoconservatism was 89
The Jewish right-wing pundit as classic neocon