A star physicist teaches us how to read the Torah, book by book. The second installment: Exodus.
Rising up from his political grave, the ex-president cements a U.S. partnership with Iran in Lebanon while Israel meekly gives up its gains
Pope Francis and the Israel-Hamas war
Since 1945, the U.S. has adopted patterns of thought and action that make victory impossible. Israel cannot afford to follow that example.
Like UNRWA in Gaza, UNIFIL in Lebanon underwrites terrorists while safeguarding the underground bases in which they store weapons and plan to murder Israelis
The Zionist analysis of the conditions of modern Jewish life have once again been proved correct, both in Israel and in the diaspora. Here’s what that means.
A new film about rival female judokas, one from Israel and one from Iran, by an Israeli director
A string of startling victories has opened new pathways to freedom in the Middle East
Empty slogans and misbegotten promises are designed to cause civil war. Don’t let them.
Observing Israel’s moves in the Middle East, Kyiv gambles on an American power vacuum
In response to Hamas’ Oct. 7 terror attack, the Biden-Harris administration assembled a team tasked with toppling Bibi
The Obama-Biden blueprint after Gaza
I’m here to make sure we take the fight against the terrorist organization seriously
Whose side will America be on?
‘Israel is a country and a nation that doesn’t hate its own fucking people’
Decoding a rabbinical broadside against drafting Torah scholars into the IDF
The point of the U.S. deal isn’t peace. It’s to prevent the two American allies from coming together, while subordinating them both to Iran.
The ongoing U.S. policy of slow-walking munitions deliveries to Israel isn’t about Rafah