The lunatic left takes on J.K. Rowling for opposing anti-Semitism
Bookworm: Britain’s most prominent defender of the Jews is also a pretty good male mystery writer
Today on Jewcy: The ‘Harry Potter’ author defends Jews online.
J.K. Rowling, the Imam of St. Louis, and Missouri’s Jewish Governor have all voiced their concerns, preached unity
‘If boycotting my company can help the Palestinian people, I would boycott my own show’
A star-studded group published a letter in The Guardian calling for ‘open dialogue’ to bridge Israeli-Palestinian divide
On Twitter, Harry Potter author reveals a Jewish wizard at Hogwarts
Running away: From Mossad-appointed time-travelers to daughters of famous novelists, these summer reads offer a healthy dose of escapism
Jewish author’s estate sues J.K. Rowling