Today on Jewcy: The ‘Thor: Ragnarok’ director is both Maori and an M.O.T.
A long-lost space age satire about what it means to be a Jew from one of science fiction’s greatest humorists
A reporter contemplates her Jewish identity during the 150th anniversary celebration of the Milanese Jewish Community
Judaism—its past, present, and future—is made up of Jews of color. And yet few studies have made the effort to learn about that diverse Jewish population. It’s time to change that.
A poetic, inspiring ode to a living history and identity becomes an Internet sensation
A friend sent a Zabar’s care package of bagels to my Los Angeles abode, and it set off a slew of emotions
Jews perform their identities in many, many ways. To live more Jewishly, we must learn to understand, admire, and incorporate the practices of others into our daily lives.
My daughter is black and Jewish. Will she have to defend her identity online?
Tablet staffers sound off about Judaism and identity on WNPR
Asian-Jewish unions are producing some of the proudest Jews around
Our tour educator explains why he performs bar mitzvahs during the 10-day experience.
A lost German passport—and tenuous ties to citizenship—cause a bureaucratic nightmare and a revelation about place and belonging
A non-Jew who loves Philip Roth, making challah, and visiting High Holiday services wants to be a Jew, minus the religion
At a preschool Hanukkah celebration—held in a nice liberal church—an atheistic Jew wonders where he fits in, and what to tell his daughter
In his novel The Vices, Lawrence Douglas spins a Nabokovian web of intrigue and self-deception that hints at the way Jewish identity is constructed and performed
Talking about lizards at a writers’ conference in Bali
My mother pretended we weren’t Jewish when we moved to the South—but couldn’t resist kvelling over my book about it
A new history reassesses the contours of what makes up Jewish history