The world is determined to look away from a horrific campaign of killings being perpetrated in Africa under the name of Islam
Inside a French courtroom where Muslim victims are shamefully abandoned by the French state, the French left, and their own community
Two new studies of Islam portray recent outbursts of coordinated violence and oppression not as a reaction to Western liberalism but instead as fundamental to the religion itself
Who are these violent young men who seem so angry at the world?
The activist version of Kathy Griffin meant to divide her audience while threatening Muslims who reject her extremism. She got away with it.
Six Years of Syrian Civil War: A French citizen who disappeared into the wreckage of Assad’s state now sends operatives home to fight a brutal war with the West
What was once the oppositional language of fringe parties in Europe has combined into a toxic new politics that is making its way to the center of Western democratic discourse. That should frighten us.
Why the key to the great civilizational clash of our time is understanding faithful people of all religions who must dominate non-believers to uphold their own truth
A foreign policy for 2016
Dispatch from Hebron: A longstanding security policy is aimed at avoiding violence after funerals, but its punitive nature is having little effect
France grapples with the aftermath of attacks that are no longer ‘just against Jews’
What’s needed is more tribalism, not less
This pontiff—and the one before—and what’s left of Rome
A dashing trio and the eternities of literature
In the wake of deadly attacks, why the one vaunted Arab Spring exception may not be an exception at all
The state of jihad and counter-jihad, in the middle of a long war
And why Obama was only partly right in comparing Christians to ISIS
If neurosis turns people into terrorists, how to account for kindness?