The strongest evidence that the taboo against anti-Semitism is being eroded is the fact that obvious forms of verbal abuse are tolerated—even justified
Robert D. Kaplan’s deification of John J. Mearsheimer in The Atlantic last week shows that the authors of The Israel Lobby are winning
Mixed-marriage cooking, the other Lobby, and more
A new book explores the ‘petrodiplomatic complex’ and Saudi influence on U.S. foreign policy
When the comments on the blogs of Stephen Walt, Andrew Sullivan, Philip Weiss, and Glenn Greenwald turn ugly, who should be held accountable? Plus: A Jew-baiter’s lexicon.
Maybe American liberal Zionism simply isn’t worth saving
Why do Arab governments—and the U.S.—insist the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is at the heart of all the Mideast’s problems?
‘Israel Lobby’ co-author names ‘New Afrikaners,’ ‘Righteous Jews’