How the queer theorist went from celebrating ironic distance and deconstructing drag shows to straight-faced gender totalitarianism
And the toxic BDS professors who tell it
First in a series on the American left: Will left-wing anti-Zionists and anti-Semites in America succeed in hollowing out the traditional liberal left in the United States, as they have in Britain and France?
We attribute isolation to the alleged perpetrator of the Pittsburgh massacre because we want to be reassured. But he is afloat on an ocean of hate.
Campus Week: How the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions movement supports the careers of shoddy university scholars
Campus Week: How a toxic postcolonial, postmodern discourse essentializes Muslim women into only their covering
Prominent academic offers inside look at anti-Israel campaign of deception
How extreme tolerance and existential rebellion can bring the high-minded to mistakenly embrace murderous lows
‘The Case Against Academic Boycotts of Israel’ shows how the boycott movement is more significant than its achievements suggest
Not all viewpoints are reconcilable–and that’s OK
Blogger’s bizarre ideology sees America and Israel in active cahoots to destroy the freedoms of the entire world
Some people are not happy about this
New developments from last week’s controversial panel
Brooklyn College’s controversial event churns out more controversy
Jamie Kirchick takes us on an insider’s tour of Europe
Judith Butler is the perfect recipient for a prize named after the patron saint of obfuscation
Berlin’s Jewish Museum gave Judith Butler and Germans permission to indulge dangerous political impulses
Bedeviled: when conscience rebels against the dictates of tradition