Rising up from his political grave, the ex-president cements a U.S. partnership with Iran in Lebanon while Israel meekly gives up its gains
A string of startling victories has opened new pathways to freedom in the Middle East
The Obama-Biden blueprint after Gaza
Whose side will America be on?
The horrifying death of the CIA’s Beirut station chief at the hands of Hezbollah
It wasn’t October 7. It’s the continuing avoidance of military action against Hezbollah in Lebanon.
A Tablet roundtable about the challenges facing Israel in Gaza, Lebanon, and Washington, with Elliott Abrams, Jeremy Ben-Ami, Amiad Cohen, Michael Doran, Jon Greenwald, and Lee Smith
To achieve victory, Israel must force territorial losses on its enemies
How the U.S. blinded Israeli intelligence gathering efforts on Hamas and other Palestinian groups inside Lebanon
Israel backpedals, while Hezbollah grows bolder
Fifteen years of U.S. aid to ‘state security’ arms like the LAF and ISF have cost American taxpayers billions while harming Israel and strengthening Hezbollah
The recent murder of an Irish peacekeeper in southern Lebanon exposes the U.N. peacekeeping mission there as a costly failure
War fears are no longer alarmist as the terror group supplants U.N. forces, increases military readiness, and becomes more reckless on Lebanon’s southern border
The Obama-Biden doctrine means that our Mideast allies don’t have to like the Iran deal. They just have to pay for it.
Israel’s caretaker government is unequal to the strategic challenges posed by Team Obama’s policy of punishing friends and rewarding enemies
The country’s recent election was a masterpiece of counterfactual Kabuki theater—and there wasn’t a dry Western eye in the house
An unprecedented new salary assistance program for the Lebanese military is ‘cleverly’ structured to evade U.S. law
Eliyah Hawila fooled everyone, including his would-be bride and Brooklyn’s tightknit Syrian Jewish community, into believing he was a Jew. Now that the secret is out, the question is: Who is he, really?