Left antisemitism, acceptable racism, and the post-liberalism of fools
Why we’re fighting our political battles like religious wars
Judith Shklar’s minority liberalism offers both an escape hatch from the Hobbesian tyranny of democratic majorities and a pathway to becoming the freest and most authentic versions of ourselves
Jacob Taubes’ deeply penetrating and profoundly mischievous thoughts on the evasions of liberalism and the irreconcilable nature of Messianic expectation strike a chord in the present moment
Certified expert Tom Nichols has a ‘moral scolding’ for the plebes
In its contempt for nationalism and democracy, Israel’s Supreme Court exemplifies a trend that endangers liberal values throughout the West
To fix what’s wrong with America, we should first understand its defining civic faith
American liberalism is in danger from a new ideology—one with dangerous implications for Jews
An excerpt from Bruno Maçães’ new book, ‘History Has Begun,’ explores the emerging ‘virtualism’ of America’s post-liberal society
The ‘Harper’s’ ‘Letter on Justice and Open Debate’ extends a long American history of the defense of rational thought and free expression against the ideological coercions of the left
The late scholar Judith Shklar warned that liberalism can degenerate into a cult of victimhood that permits our sadistic desires to be passed off as unimpeachable virtue. Her warning is newly urgent today.
The final collapse of liberalism will be coterminous with the collapse of American empire—a difficult outcome for tenured American conservatives to root on
Andrew Yang represents something new and exciting in American politics but we may not like where it leads
France’s Yellow Vests condemn violence but ‘have to admit that it is efficient’
The latest entry in a Tablet feature analyzing the state of the American left, inspired by Paul Berman’s series of essays on the subject. Here, a ‘Dissent’ editor asks, ‘patriotism, what’s it good for?’
The left these days is no more than a feeling, and feelings change
Gorbachev dismantled his country’s empire. He was either visionary or crazy. Is Donald Trump now doing the same to America’s global hegemony? If so, why?
In ‘To Heal the World?,’ his critique of the modern Jewish left, Jonathan Neumann is not just wrong. He’s also way out of his league.